If you value what the BH team and I are doing, please consider becoming a Premium Member.
The publicly available scientific content you see on our website, PowerPoint presentations and zoom conferences are made possible in part by the incredible generosity of our BostonHealthiest Elite members. When you join us, you will gain instant access to exclusive content for sponsor members only while helping us continue to provide unbiased, health-enhancing content derived from the science of nutritional biochemistry.​
One of the unique features of becoming a sponsor member is the personalized approach. sponsor members will receive a unique lifestyle and nutritional plan based on their personal glucose responses to food. This is something that few programs can address.
Exclusive, private and personalized approach
One of our beautiful BostonHealthiest t-shirts
Access to our presentation slides
Elite members will enjoy the opportunity to join us for our 4-hour retreat conferences. These are special lectures on how to proper read and use a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) as a bio-feedback tool to treat, prevent and to help reverse chronic conditions
Sponsor members will be equipped with a CGM device plus the knowledge, tools, and skills to create your very own sustainable lifestyle and nutritional program based on your personal glucose responses to food.
Plus you will get all of the basic membership benefits from our Wellness member's hub.