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First month Outline


With each new week, I encourage you to build on the previous weeks and continue the already established changes. PLEASE NOTE: This is just an outline. We will discuss details at our meetings. Don’t worry if you are starting late. We will help you catch up. This is a marathon, not a sprint. These are general recommendations. I understand some people are dealing with medical or orthopedic challenges. If you need suggestions for modifications, please shoot me an e-mail or come to our Monday pop-up meetings.

  1. Week 1 (Completed)

    a) We introduced intermittent fasting. For advanced people, eating window is 7–8 hours, while fasting 16–17 hours. For beginners, eating window is 10–11 hours, while fasting 13–14 hours.

    b) Avoidance of processed foods and introduced some healthy recipes.

  2. Week 2

    a) Continue with the same fasting schedules.

    b) Before each meal (or first thing in the morning if you don’t have breakfast),
    choose from the 3 options below:
    Option 1: Drink 1 glass of warm water.
    Option 2: Drink 1 glass warm water which has been infused with a sprig of mint.
    Option 3: Drink 1 glass warm water with 1–2 tablespoons Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (found in most grocery stores).

    c) You will also receive new recipes Saturday, January 21. Reminder, you can also free-style it.

    d) Beginners: Do 5–8 squats (depending on your level of fitness) every hour for 6 hours/day. If this is too much, decrease the number but not the frequency.
    Use a counter for support if needed. Modify if you have orthopedic issues.
    Advanced people: Do 8–15 squats or reverse lunges every hour for 6 hours/day.

    I will post a video to show safe techniques on the website.

  3. Week 3 — Adding:

    a) Beginners: Start box breathing exercises 3–5 minutes, 3 times/day while seated or in bed. Definitely do this before bed. Advanced people: Add box breathing while walking.

    b) Nutritional biohacks include elixer shots, microgreens, and broccoli sprouts. (These can be grown easily at home or purchased)

    c) OPTIONAL and TEMPORARY, but highly recommended: Introduce 2 supplements

  4. Week 4 — Adding:

    a) Beginners: 1 hour walking daily. This can be divided into shorter walks and does not need
    to be outside. You can even march in place when on the phone or while watching TV, or do a walking video. Advanced people: 1 hour BRISKLY walking daily or on an incline. Even better, add box breathing while walking. This is the 5th biohack. By this week, you should be including all 5 biohacks daily.

As we move forward, you will be introduced to new biohacks and recipes. We want to build a supportive community where we can share ideas, challenges, recipes. If you have a favorite healthy recipe, please share with me for review and then we can share with the whole group.

Thank you, Your coach,




IMPORTANT: You may choose any recipe for breakfast, lunch or dinner 


Smoothie of the week.

1 red bell pepper
3 celery sticks

1⁄2 dragon fruit
Juice of 2–3 lemons
1 Shiitake mushroom
3 red radishes
2 tablespoons raw honey
5 mint leaves

Ice cubes and/or water to achieve desired consistency.


 Fill blender with ingredients add ice. Blend on high. Enjoy!



​SECOND week foods: 

Sunday dinner:  One bowl of raspberries with two spoons of plain yogurt  and one spoon off fiber (garden of life raw fiber) 



  • Breakfast: Monday to Saturday, Two soft boiled eggs, one avocado - one pink color energy smoothie.

  • Lunch: Monday to Sunday:  A good portion of grilled or cooked Salmon or any sea food you like add a couple spoons of delicious Chris's green sauce on top of fish (recipe below).  

  • Add a big bowl of one of your favorite vegetables. Steamed veggies for 3 to 4 minutes add salt, black pepper.  Other herbs are also welcome here.  What if I don't eat fish?  You may choose chicken of pork.  What if I am vegetarian? you may have lentils, mushrooms or beans.

  • Dinner: Monday to Sunday You may alternate between our awesome microbiome booster dish and our amazing mitochondria booster dish.






This week we rebuild our Microbiome and Mitochondria

Our dishes below are highly anti-inflammatory

IMPORTANT: You may choose any recipe for breakfast, lunch or dinner 



Microbiome's Booster:​


A mix of well-balanced raw vegetables design to rebuild your mitochondria, lower blood
sugar, lower insulin levels , lower triglycerides and overall inflammation. You may add one
egg to this meal, if desired.

1 cup broccoli
1 cup chopped carrots
1 cup red bell peppers
1⁄4 cup walnuts
1 cup cauliflower
1⁄4 cup parsley
1⁄4 cup cilantro
1⁄4 cup raisins or less
Handful chopped green onions
1 boiled egg
olive oil, optional

1. Without the egg, place the other ingredients in a food processor an chop to an
appealing consistency. Or chop the ingredients by hand.
2. Place all the chopped veggies in a big bowl and mix. You may add extra virgin olive oil
for taste.
3. Salt pepper, a dash of curry powder and a dash of olive oil can be yummy additions.
4. Add a boiled egg or over easy egg to serve on top.
5. Bon appetit! Remember to exclude ingredients that you may have allergies to



Mitochondria's Booster​




1 Medium red beet:  (precook until soft about 20 minutes)

1 medium yellow beet:  (precook until soft about 20 minutes)

Half sweet onion

2 cups of fresh spinach

Half cup cilantro

1 whole avocado

half cup broccoli sprouts  (don't put in food processor)

1 soft boil egg. (add on top of dish)

Juice of 1 lemon

sea salt and black pepper to taste

dash of olive oil




1. Without the egg and sproutts, place the other ingredients in a food processor an chop to anappealing consistency. Or chop the ingredients by hand.

2. Place all the chopped veggies in a big bowl and mix. You may add extra virgin olive oil for taste

.3. Salt pepper, a dash of olive oil are yummy additions.

4. Add a boiled egg or over easy egg to serve on top. 

5. Bon appetit!  Remember to exclude ingredients that you may have allergies to.

​Important: You may choose any recipe for breakfast, lunch or dinner 



Chris's signature green sauce


1 large bunch cilantro fresh mint
fresh basil
1/3 sweet onion

1 jalapeno
a couple shakes of sesame oil 1⁄2-1 teaspoon tahini paste or almond butter
a couple shakes of soy sauce juice of 3 limes (or 1-2 lemons)



Start packing your blender or Vitamix with 1 large bunch of cilantro, fresh mint, fresh basil in ratio of 2:1:1 (if you don’t have all the greens, it can be done with just the cilantro in a pinch). The recipe is very forgiving!

Blend all ingredients together on highest setting until smooth. Chill and serve.




5 medicinal plants that you can grow in your garden

In a small piece of land or on a balcony you can grow many beautiful plants with which you can also develop effective natural remedies.


Anyone, if they want to, no matter how little space they have at home, can create their own medicinal garden, be it in their home garden, in the backyard, on the terrace or even on a balcony. Our ancestors, especially in rural environments, used to cultivate certain plants from which they obtained basic remedies to deal with some of their health problems.


Continuing this tradition not only makes it possible to procure simple and natural remedies for oneself, but also provides an enriching experience that relaxes, trains attention and encourages contact with nature.  Whether they are woody plants (such as laurel, thyme, rosemary or sage) or herbaceous (mint, marigold, nettle or oregano), the variety of medicinal species that can be cultivated is very wide. And they do not necessarily have to present an austere appearance like nettle or onion. Here we present 6 of them that are beautiful and do not need much care.




This North American plant (Echinacea purpurea) blooms in summer and until mid-fall. In summer the flowers are collected, large and showy, and in autumn, the root. It should be planted in full sun or partial sun, in a flower bed or window box, and is ideal for decorating terraces and patios. It requires little care.

Properties: immunostimulant, antiseptic, antiallergenic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, sudorific, choleretic.

Indications: Being excellent for boosting the immune response, it is recommended to prevent or improve respiratory infections such as the flu, colds, pharyngitis, laryngitis and sinusitis and to combat allergic attacks with rhinitis and conjunctivitis. Externally, it acts as a very effective anti-inflammatory on wounds, burns, epidermal inflammations and mouth and eye inflammations.

How it is used: in infusion, associated with other plants that complement its action, in tincture or syrup. The tincture or infusion is applied externally in scrubs, baths, eye drops and mouthwashes.

Precautions: avoid by mouth in pregnancy and during lactation and if there is liver damage.


The lily (Lilium candidum), native to the eastern Mediterranean, has a round, scaly bulb and lovely large, trumpet-shaped, highly fragrant flowers. It should be planted in the sun (or in semi-shade if the sun is excessive), without changing its position for at least four years.

Blooms from late spring to mid-summer. For medicinal purposes, the bulbs (fresh, dried or dried) are mainly used, which are collected at the end of summer or in autumn, although the flowers are also used to a lesser extent.

Properties: demulcent, emollient, astringent, antiseptic, healing, callous, skin protective, anti-inflammatory.

Indications: due to its mucilaginous virtues, the bulb is very effective for treating skin ulcers, inflamed or cracked skin, blemishes, scratches, eczema, boils, burns and mild scalds, as well as for eliminating pimples, hives, corns and calluses. It is also applied on muscular contractures, tendonitis and mild rheumatic inflammations.

How to use it: externally only, maceration of the flowers or bulbs in olive oil, to be applied in scrubs or massages; the roasted bulb, applied in slices on the damaged skin; or the bulb cooked in milk or wine, crushed and applied as a hot poultice on calluses and corns. It is also found in hydroglycolic extract as an emollient for skin impurities.

Precautions: the bulbs are considered edible and have been consumed in some European countries, but due to lack of studies, taking them orally is not recommended.










One of the advantages of the nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) is that it blooms for many months, from spring to autumn. And the show it offers is worth it: its orange or red flowers are large and showy.

The plant, native to South America (from the Ecuador and Peru area), grows well in pots and window boxes, but also in flower beds. It prefers partial shade and resists frost poorly. For medicinal use, the flowering tops are collected in spring or summer.

Properties: expectorant, antibiotic, antitussive, diuretic, antifungal, rubefacient, scalp stimulant.

Indications: It is recommended for infections of the respiratory tract (flu, pharyngitis) and urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis), as well as to prevent the formation of kidney stones and reduce urea levels in urine. As a moderate diuretic, it helps treat edema and fluid retention. But above all it is used in topical application on fungal infections on the skin, to relieve muscle tension and to stimulate or strengthen the scalp and slow down hair loss.

How to use it: internally in simple or mixed infusion (one tablespoon per cup of water, two cups daily), in liquid extract and tincture; and, externally, the most concentrated infusion or tincture in massage or friction of the scalp. It can be found as an ingredient in anti-fungal creams or ointments and in shampoos to strengthen hair.

Precautions: avoid the seeds, which are toxic, and do not take orally in case of pregnancy, gastritis, hypothyroidism, kidney or heart failure.


















This European plant (Achillea millefolium) is easily found in meadows and mountain grasslands. It is so versatile that it is not lacking in herbalists. In a garden it constitutes an excellent option: it fits well in sunny and slightly shaded spaces and resists both drought and frost very well.

Its showy white flowers, grouped in dense, flat corymbs, appear in summer and into mid-autumn. Bees visit them often. Flowering tops are used, which are collected in summer.

Properties: anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, digestive, antiemetic, choleretic, antimicrobial, hemostatic, diuretic, healing.

Indications: it is recommended above all to relieve digestive disorders, heavy digestions, gastrointestinal spasms, nausea and vomiting, as well as a liver tonic. Due to its antispasmodic power, it can be of great help against menstrual pain. It also helps to tone the veins in case of venous weakness with varicose veins or hemorrhoids. Externally, it is applied to wounds and burns and to reduce joint pain.

How it is used: in simple infusion or associated with other plants (2-3 cups daily), in fluid extract, tincture, syrup and the juice of the fresh plant. The infusion is used in washes and scrubs against pain and poor blood circulation.

Precautions: high doses should be avoided, which could cause dizziness.





















This plant from the Far East (Paeonia lactiflora), with large, fleshy roots, displays spectacular, aromatic pink, white or bicolor flowers. On the peninsula and the Balearic Islands there are three species of peonies, but they are protected and should not be collected. They can be planted in large flower beds or large planters, in partial shade, although it must be taken into account that they take time to grow large and that they need generous watering.

They can also be found in nurseries and gardens. They flower from late spring to early fall and, for medicinal use, the flowers and root are used.

Properties: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, sedative, astringent, anticonvulsant, purgative.

Indications: traditional Chinese medicine knows it as bai shao yao and recommends it to tone the liver and spleen, combat migraines and regulate heavy menstruation. It is also indicated to relieve spasmodic menstrual pain and hot flashes and menopausal night sweats. It is considered a sedative, calms irritability and palpitations, and relieves muscle tension and cramps.

How to use it: in infusion or decoction, generally in mixed herbal teas (up to 3 glasses a day, in non-prolonged treatments), in tincture and in pills.

Precautions: should be avoided in pregnancy and lactation, and not administered to children under 12 years of age.








 Week 3 Here 

For week 3 try any of the recipes below for any meal. 

Week 3 is great way to detox after a life of excesses.

IMPORTANT: You may choose any recipe for breakfast, lunch or dinner 




Going on a cleansing diet after a period of excesses provides support for the liver.  The liver is an organ essential to the proper function of the body. These recipes, made with cleansing ingredients, will help you detox.



Every day our body is exposed to toxins from the air, water, household cleaning and personal hygiene products. We also consume toxins imbedded in foods, such as pesticides, but also from the processed foods themselves. The liver is the organ in charge of metabolizing and eliminating these toxins. We can help the liver function optimally through a diet consisting of recipes using foods with cleansing and hepatoprotective properties in the daily menu.


                                                            DETOX DIET: WHAT IS IT?

To complete liver care, I suggest consuming a cleansing diet for five days once or twice a year. The first thing is to eliminate products that harm the liver, such as those that contain added sugars (soft drinks, pastries, pastries, refined cereals, etc.), animal products, alcohol and ultra-processed foods. 


To prepare a menu that is beneficial for the liver, we can follow the recommendations of traditional Chinese medicine which advises choosing foods that are green in color, have a bitter or sour taste, and have rising energy. Therefore, whole grains (such as rice, quinoa and millet) are especially favorable. The list of greens can include lettuce, kale, cabbage, watercress, mustard greens, radish, dandelion, seaweed, sprouts, fresh herbs, green apple and fermented foods.


In addition, it is advisable to have dinner two or three hours before going to bed and consume moderate portions that do not leave us full.

















For 2 people (20 minutes):




2 zucchini

1 beetroot

2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar

1 cucumber

7 spinach leaves

2 cloves garlic

1/2-1 t turmeric poder

A sprig of coriander



Wash well and cut the zucchini lengthwise into very thin slices. You can use a mandolin for this. Sprinkle some turmeric and minced garlic on each side of the slices.

Heat a skillet or griddle over medium-high heat and place the zucchini slices to roast without oil for two minutes on each side. Remove them and reserve them while you continue with the preparations.

Peel the beetroot and grate it on the coarse side of the grater. Cut the cucumber into small cubes. Cut the fresh spinach leaves into julienne strips and chop the coriander into very small pieces.

Take advantage of the pan where you roasted the zucchini to mix the ingredients of the salad that you just prepared and dress them with apple cider vinegar, a pinch of garlic and a little turmeric.

Place the already roasted zucchini slices on a flat surface and top with a generous spoonful of the salad. Roll them up and serve.

Optional: you can accompany the zucchini rolls with rice pancakes or brown rice.

Recommendation: If possible, choose small-sized, organic and locally produced zucchini. The big ones can be fibrous.


















For 2 people (50 minutes)


1 cauliflower cut into small florets

1 fennel bulb, thickly sliced

1 teaspoon honey (optional)

Spices to taste (cumin, ginger, turmeric, garlic, cinnamon, aromatic herbs)

mix of green leaves

pomegranate grains

Extra virgin olive oil

The juice of half a lemon



Prepare the dressing by pouring a stream of olive oil into a container along with the spices and salt. Mix very well.

Add the cauliflower and fennel to the container, and mix in such a way that they are completely impregnated with the dressing.

Preheat the oven to 180ºC.

Place the fennel and cauliflower on a baking tray, previously lined with parchment paper or covered with a non-stick platinum silicone sheet. Bake for about 30-40 minutes or until the cauliflower and fennel are tender. You can check it with a sponge cake skewer.

Prepare the vinaigrette for the green salad with a little extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice and honey (if desired). This vinaigrette has a cleansing effect.

When serving, arrange a base of mixed green leaves at the bottom of the bowl, dressed with the vinaigrette. Top with freshly roasted cauliflower and fennel. Lastly, add the fresh pomegranate seeds.

Alternatives: If you want a dish that is more filling and nutritionally complete, you can add a little brown rice or quinoa. On the other hand, you can substitute the cauliflower for broccoli if it is more to your liking.




















For 2 people (30 minutes)



4 oz quinoa

1/3 c. flaked almonds

1/2 small zucchini

1 stick celery

1/2 c. dried cranberries

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon thyme or oregano powder

The juice of half a lemon

Half a tablespoon of honey

Salt to taste



When preparing the quinoa, if you want to improve its flavor and texture, lightly toast it in the pan before cooking it. Next, cook the quinoa in water or, if you prefer, in a vegetable broth and reserve.

Sauté separately, in a little olive oil, the zucchini cut into cubes with a little salt.

Cut the celery into small pieces and mix it raw with the almonds and dry cranberries.

To prepare the dressing, mix the extra virgin olive oil, honey, salt, thyme, oregano or any other fresh aromatic herb of your choice together with the juice of half a lemon.

For the presentation, mix the quinoa with the zucchini, celery and the rest of the ingredients in a bowl. Season just before serving the dish.






















2 people (80 minutes)



1/2 c. dried adzuki bean

1 c. vegetables (cauliflower, carrot, bell pepper or whatever you have), lightly sautéed in coconut oil

1/4 c. onion

4 T amaranth

4 T sunflower seeds

3 T sunflower meal

1 clove garlic

1/2 inch fresh ginger root

1 tablespoon of seaweed salad mix

1 tablespoon tamari

1 sheet of kombu seaweed

1 drizzle of extra virgin coconut oil

Spices and herbs for seasoning



Cook the adzuki beans (after soaking for 12 hours with a pinch of salt or apple cider vinegar) with water, salt and, if desired, kombu seaweed.

To cook the amaranth, follow the manufacturer's instructions (approximately 30 minutes). The amaranth should be similar to cooked quinoa. Remove excess water and let cool.

Sauté the onion, add the garlic along with the ginger and let it cook for a couple of minutes. Cut or grate the vegetables very finely and add them to the mixture until they are al dente. Add the seaweed halfway through cooking. Let it cool.

Add the spices, tamari, flour and sunflower seeds. Correct with the flour until the mixture acquires the right consistency to form the burgers.

You can bake them in the oven for 25-30 minutes, turning them halfway through. You can also make them in the pan with very little coconut oil, which resists high temperatures very well.

You can serve them with your favorite sauce, a salad and some homemade probiotic sauerkraut.
























For 2 people (90 minutes)



7 very ripe tomatoes

1 red bell pepper

4 garlic cloves

1 c. onion or leek

4 bay leaves

1 sprig of thyme

10 basil leaves

1 ear of corn

3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp. coconut sugar

a pinch of salt

For the broth:

4.5 c. of water

2 stalks of celery

1 carrot

half white onion

2 garlic cloves

2 bay leaves

3 sprigs of thyme

2 basil leaves

Salt, pepper and paprika



Put the broth ingredients in a pot and let them simmer for 30-40 minutes. Reserve at room temperature.

Shell the cob and put the kernels in a pan with a little olive oil or ghee (clarified butter). Saute them for 7-10 minutes over low heat and reserve.

Roast the pepper in the oven: fillet it, extract the seeds, cut it into julienne strips and put it in the oven. Once done, book it.

In a frying pan, make a mixture of a little of the broth and three tablespoons of olive oil, the quartered garlic, the finely cut leek, the thyme sprigs and the bay leaves, a pinch of salt, pepper and paprika. When done, add the peeled tomatoes, chopped bell pepper, and half a teaspoon of coconut or brown sugar. Cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.

In a blender, put the sofrito with the tomatoes and the pepper and add enough broth to cover (remove the thyme and bay leaves). Blend two minutes. Pass the mixture through a strainer, pour it into the pot and let it reduce for 10 minutes. Garnish with toasted corn and fresh basil. Bon Appetit!


















Foods and recipes that cleanse and nurture brain and body.


Fasting is an excellent way to detox. Like fasting, certain foods provide nutrients that also activate our body's detox mechanisms.  




These foods are considered cleansing for different reasons. We tell you how they help your body to eliminate toxins and we give you a delicious recipe for each of them.



It provides fiber and contains sulfur compounds such as glucoraphanin, which helps to deactivate toxic elements that appear as a result of digestion or that enter the body through breathing. Glucoraphanin is not actually the active agent. It needs to mix with myrosinase, an enzyme present in broccoli itself, to become sulforaphane, which is the element with detoxifying and anticancer properties.



Leeks are an excellent prebiotic that feeds the beneficial intestinal microbiota. They also contain camferol, a flavonoid that reduces inflammation and protects blood vessels from oxidative damage, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular and chronic diseases.





8 oz linguine

water for boiling pasta.  Reserve 1/2 c. after boiling pasta.

2 medium leeks

1 cup frozen peas

2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

2 garlic cloves

2 teaspoons lemon zest

Half a cup of grated Parmesan

2 tablespoons lemon juice

Half a teaspoon of salt




Cook the pasta.

Clean the leek and cut it into half moons. Heat the oil in a large, deep skillet. Sauté the previously seasoned leek in it until tender (about 7 minutes).

Add the minced garlic and fry for 2 min.

Add half a cup of the water in which you cooked the pasta, along with the defrosted peas and lemon zest; cook 2 minutes.

Mix with the pasta, lemon and Parmesan. Serve with chopped parsley and a little more Parmesan on top if desired.



The modest mushroom is an excellent source of selenium, an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant mineral, which is also essential for thyroid function and energy metabolism.




500 g sliced mushrooms

2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

goat cheese spread



Heat the pan with the oil and sauté the mushrooms for 10 minutes. Season with salt and red pepper flakes.

Spread the toast with goat cheese and put the mushrooms on top.





Detox soup to take care of your liver

Nature is renewed in spring, and you with it if you favor the purification of toxins from your body. This soup will help you. In spring, the body and coat lighten and you need bland, steamed, sautéed or delicate soups and plenty of fresh seasonal foods: artichokes, asparagus, arugula, peas, cabbage, sprouts, carrots, lemon-lime, fermented. All foods to flow towards optimal health.




Basil is rich in antioxidants with antibacterial properties. It is considered an anti-aging herb with great anti-inflammatory and balancing qualities.


La Vera paprika is dried over oak wood, which gives it a unique flavor and properties. Spicy stimulates circulation. It is also an antioxidant and provides vitamin C, minerals and carotenes.


Cauliflower has the ability to neutralize toxins and activate liver enzymes, since it contains sulfur, a very important mineral for this and other physiological functions. It is rich in vitamin C and manganese.


Artichokes are healing and tonic for the liver. They help digestion in general. Its phytonutrients cynarin and silymarin reduce toxins and facilitate their elimination.


Ingredients for 4 people


7 medium or large artichokes

1 purple or sweet onion

2 garlic cloves

1 cup cauliflower

150 ml of almond milk

3 cups of vegetable broth

1 lemon

1 handful of parsley

5 basil leaves

1 teaspoon of paprika from La Vera

small edible flowers

virgin olive oil

pepper (optional)

Himalayan salt



Clean the artichokes, remove the outer leaves and cut them to get the core. Rub these with lemon and set them aside.

In a saucepan with a couple of tablespoons of oil, sauté the onion and garlic, peeled and cut into cubes, for about 5 minutes. Add a pinch of salt and paprika.

Add the cauliflower broken apart with your hands, stir for a couple of minutes and add the chopped artichokes. Mix well and cook for 5 more minutes.

Add a couple of cups of vegetable broth and cook for 20 minutes, bringing the preparation almost to a boil and then lowering the heat. Add the almond milk, cook for another 5 minutes and see if it needs more liquid. Season with salt and paprika if necessary.

Shred little by little with the miniquick or blender.

Serve with chopped parsley and basil, a few small flowers, and half a lemon wedge.






Two exceptional recipes that improve your immunity

They are also vegan. Include them in your weekly menus. You won't regret it.






Fried tempeh adds a crunchy component to this vegan coconut curry recipe. The main ingredients of this healthy meal are green vegetables, which provide many nutrients. To make the dish you can use your favorite curry or prepare your own curry mix (we give you a recipe). Quantities are enough for two.



Ingredients (for the tempeh):

200g tempeh, cut into 0.5cm thin strips

Extra virgin olive oil


Ingredients (for the vegetables):

300 g broccoli in small florets

100g peas

150g leeks, sliced thin

250ml coconut milk

50ml vegetable broth

3 garlic cloves, finely chopped

1-2 teaspoons curry powder

2 teaspoons fresh ginger, finely chopped

half a lemon, with the zest

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

1 tablespoon lime or lemon juice

1 tablespoons dried basil

half a tablespoon of dry mint.


For the tempeh, heat plenty of oil in a small saucepan. Fry the tempeh until golden all over. Don't put too much tempeh in the oil at one time, otherwise it will foam.

Drain the crispy tempeh on kitchen paper, cut into triangles, salt lightly and keep warm. Steam the broccoli in a colander for just 4 minutes.

Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a wok or nonstick skillet. Fry the garlic briefly while stirring. Add the curry powder and toast briefly while stirring.

Mix the peas and the leek, salt and pepper lightly and sauté for about 5 minutes.

Mix the broccoli and sauté for 2 minutes.

Deglaze with coconut milk and vegetable broth. Then season with ginger, lemon zest, spices and salt.

Cook everything over low heat. The vegetables should be tender, but not undone. Add the lime juice at the end.

Serve the vegetables and top them with the crispy tempeh.




Curry is a mixture of different spices (the main ingredients are coriander, cumin and turmeric). Therefore, you can mix it yourself in advance and make it, for example, stronger or milder according to the preferences of your taste buds. Feel free to try this basic recipe for a balanced mix, which you can modify to your liking.


Ingredients (for a small jar):


3 teaspoons coriander

3 teaspoons cumin

1 teaspoon fennel

8 allspice beans

1½ teaspoons turmeric

½ teaspoon galangal, ground

½ teaspoon ground nutmeg

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon ground fenugreek

½ teaspoon ground chili



Finely crush the coriander, cumin, fennel and allspice in a mortar (or grind in a small coffee grinder specially reserved for that).

Mix the turmeric, galangal, nutmeg, cinnamon, fenugreek, and chili. Store the curry mixture tightly closed in a jar.

Curry powder is not only ideal for wok dishes, but can also be used to flavor homemade vegetable chips or to marinate grilled vegetables.





Minestrone is a classic Italian vegetable soup. The vegetables can be varied according to your preferences and all kinds of leftovers can be used. This vegan minestrone packs an extra serving of protein thanks to the edamame.


Ingredients for 4 people):


3 tablespoons olive oil

1 onion, finely chopped

3 garlic cloves, finely chopped

1 pinch of nutmeg

1.5 l of vegetable broth

half a teaspoon of thyme

half a teaspoon of basil

half a teaspoon of oregano

1 bay leaf

1 thinly sliced carrot

1 potato in small cubes

1 stalk of celery sliced thin

100 g of leeks in strips

half cup cauliflower in very small florets

2 tomatoes, peeled, diced

5 onzes frozen edamame

4 tablespoons fresh herbs, finely chopped (parsley, basil, mint)





Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan. Slowly sauté the onions and garlic over low heat until soft and translucent.

Pour in the vegetable broth and season with thyme, basil, oregano, bay leaf and pepper. Bring the soup to a boil.

Add the carrots, potatoes, and celery stalks. Cover and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Mix the leek, cauliflower and tomatoes together, cover and continue cooking for another 7 minutes.

Mix the edamame. Simmer the minestrone for about 4 more minutes.

Remove from the heat, season with salt and pepper and mix the aromatics.......

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