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Humberto Moncayo

    What Is Lifestyle Medicine?

"Lifestyle medicine is an evidence-based approach to preventing, treating and even reversing diseases by replacing unhealthy behaviors with positive ones," according to the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.


"Think outside the Pill"


Humberto Moncayo is a personal nutritional coach and motivational speaker. He provides interactive, educational seminars teaching the latest science in nutritional biochemistry, epigenetics and nutrigenomics. His lectures provide a blueprint on how to achieve optimal health by applying nutrition and lifestyle as medicine. His approach combines education, motivation, and family involvement with the latest science to help people understand the choices they need to make to get healthy. His approach helps people effectively deal with unwanted weight and metabolic disorders with an emphasis on self-management.


He is the founder/author of the evidence-based lifestyle website Humberto is the developer of the Moncayo Protocol that has been used successfully by his clients in the US, Colombia,Venezuela and England. He has been working closely with Mass General West Medical Group since January of 2018, utilizing his website, protocols and seminars to help deliver a unified message to patients and staff on how to maximize nutrition and lifestyle for optimal health.  


Humberto is an integral member of the MGH Healthy Lifestyle Program which is bringing Lifestyle Medicine to the forefront at MGH.


Included below are just a few patient’s testimonials so that you can see for yourself what can be accomplished. We could have presented exciting numbers on lower blood pressure, weight, cholesterol, blood sugar and more, however we decided instead to share with you what patients tell us about how they feel. As important as it is to have your "numbers" in range, it doesn’t mean much if you are not feeling great. After all, feeling great is what is all about! Jump on board and do not forget to "think outside the pill!”


Real Patient Testimonials


"I have been participating in the program for nearly 18 months and the results have exceeded my expectations. Initially, I hope to improve overall wellness, reduce the use of medications and achieve some weight loss which I have struggled with since childhood (I am in my late 60’s). After a few months of reasonable diligence, I no longer suffered from daily acid reflux, stopped all medications for it. I have better sleep, improved test results during my annual physical, and I have lost nearly 30 pounds and have maintained my weight for over a year. Under the guidance of my physician, I became more knowledgeable about how some foods affect digestion and wellbeing. This has honestly been the most holistic approach to health that I have ever experienced, and I can recommend it to anyone seeking a healthier future.“


"I had a month of cramping, nausea, bloating, reflux, heartburn and occasional vomiting. As you suggested, I gave up gluten a week ago (you had suggested dairy as well but I wanted to do one at a time so I could decipher which, if any, worked) and OMG! I am cured! No gluten! I have not ONE symptom and my entire bowel movements have become regular (I do not think I have been regular in 30+ years). So now what? Do I continue gluten-free? Could it be possible that at 51 I developed an intolerance? I am totally blown away how normal (and better) I feel. I have lost 7 pounds through all this but I have needed to (and need more) so not complaining.”


"I have been struggling with IBS symptoms for 10 years, having issues 3 to 4 days/week. I started an anti-inflammatory diet April 2019 and supplemented with vitamins to correct deficiencies. Within 2 weeks, I was symptom-free. This diet has changed my life. After a decade of feeling tethered to the bathroom, I finally feel well (HS-CRP 5.5->0.7 in 3 weeks)."


"For decades I suffered from dry, flaky, itchy skin, joint pain and sleep disturbance. It was marked by numerous exacerbations with no specific trigger and multiple courses of topical steroids. In addition, over the last few years I experienced painful gout attacks which were increasing in frequency. These joint pains began limiting my activities and I gained weight. The medical treatment for gout, at times, caused GI upset and so became a vicious cycle. The skin and gout issues led to sleep disturbances.  My skin is now smooth and clear.  My gout and joint pains have resolved. I have not required any anti-inflammatory medications. I sleep well. I have always had a regular exercise routine–I am continuing this routine in addition to the dietary changes Humberto and Chris have recommended. I am delighted that my new (set) weight is 10 to 15 pounds lower than it was before due to more "marks mindful" eating habits. Chris and Humberto have helped me immensely."


"I am very happy to report that I am symptom free from my mild ulcerative colitis. I have been eating a plant-based diet since you prescribed it almost 3 months ago. I would like to recheck my labs, especially my cholesterol level. I gave up dairy, meat and processed foods. I never felt better. I will never go back to an "American diet". Thank you!"


“I am energized, doing yoga again. I lost more than 15 pounds. No more stomach bloating, GI pains. No more backaches either. I truly believe diet changes everything. Thank you again."

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